Once a shy, self-conscious girl; now, a confident woman

People change. It's inevitable. As I look back at how I was only a year ago, I can see I have grown. I remember having a photo assignment due in one of my classes that required an "event" of some kind; it could be anything as long as "something" was happening. My boyfriend had been taking a combative mma class for about a year and suggested I photograph his class for my assignment. After sitting in, I realized this may be what I need in my life.

I've always felt a void after graduating high school. For as long as I can remember, I've been involved in a sport. My interests stretched from playing catch with my dad and brother to volleyball to basketball to track to attempting to play football (my parents wouldn't allow me as I was much too tiny) to tennis. There was never a year or season of down time, that is, until college.

I've always been one to play sports for the fun of them and felt college would be far too competitive for me to enjoy them. For five years, I put my activities on hold and dove into my schoolwork and spent my spare time working to pay tuition. When my graduation date was finally approaching, I was aching for any extracurricular activity I could partake in.

I attended the next combative mma class and fell in love. Oddly enough, I love the competitive aspect; I love knowing I'm learning how to defend myself- knowing that if anyone were to try to attack me that I would know what to do; I love knowing how to throw a punch, do an armbar or take down someone who is bigger than myself. We call it "training to be a ninja."

A year later, this class is still my favorite part of every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. I've learned so much about myself in the process, tried things I've never tried before, and am better than I thought I would be at a few things (specifically muay thai)! It's been hard work and I still have a lot to work on, but I'm in a much better place now.

Photo courtesy of Alexis Lamb

Photo courtesy of Alexis Lamb